The Castle

Castillo de Corvinos


El Castillo Palacio de Corvinos, is a place of Romanesque foundation, which originally was used for farming. At the time of the Muslim rule and towards the ninth century, the property was fortified becoming part of the defensive framework of the Superior March of Al Andalus, being its fundamental objective to serve as a brake to the advance of the Aragonese army on the cities of Huesca and Zaragoza.

In 1080, King Sancho Ramírez of Aragon (the eldest son of King Ramiro I, first king of Aragon), conquered the fortress at the Battle of the Oscense plains.

For this purpose, it counts on the support of a troop of crusader knights of the French noon under the Duke of Aquitaine.

From that moment the Aragonese army established a siege for thirteen years on the city of Huesca, which culminated in the surrender of such square in the Battle of Alcoraz in November 1096.

Back in the sixteenth century a new building was built on the old foundations of the Muslim castle and years later the Church of San Pablo de Zaragoza, owner until then, sells it, becoming manorial property.


After the deterioration suffered over time, the current owners of the castle began in 2010 an important restoration that gave the fortification back its ancient splendour.

Under the direction of the architect Ramón Arana, specialist in restoration of historic buildings, the works were done with great care, respecting the maximum authenticity of the building and preserving the exquisiteness, comfort and elegance in each of its rooms.

A long but beautiful project, which always seeked to offer you this dream place.

Castillo de Corvinos Antes Castillo de Corvinos Ahora

Current conditions

Today the castle stands stately and majestic at the heart of a farming estate. Fields of crops interrupted by mountains of carrascas and almond trees along with old stone promontories, give a formidable pictorial image.

Also surrounding the castle is our 10,000 m2 park with olive groves, almond trees, rose bushes and azaleas. A beautiful view and idyllic horizons provide the perfect place for pause, reunion and rest.